Saturday, August 28, 2010

Welcome to the world Liam!!

Liam Bragan

One of the things I love the most is to photograph newborn babies. They are so small but leave you with a huge sense of awe. They are vulnerable, yet they seem to have a great understanding of the world that we seem to forget as we grow. I had the pleasure of photographing Liam, Emily and John's baby this month. I spent a lot of time with Emily as Liam grew inside her and I just could not wait for him to arrive. Actually, I didn't have to wait that long as he came about four weeks early (the day before we were supposed to take the official pregnancy pics.) Oh well...I just took newborn pics instead. Oh... and we even snapped a picture of Callie.

I hope I have the opportunity to capture Liam as he grows.



  1. I LOVE all of these Annette! Especially love the close ups with all the textures. Your lighting is always wonderful too! :) The slideshow alongside the music was great as well!

  2. Thanks for the amazing pictures Annette! John and I couldn't be more happy. We are so thankful to have you as a friend and look forward to all the memories you will capture of our family with your photography in the future. We love the pictures of Callie also! Thanks again, the pictures are great! ~Emily, John and Baby Liam
